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In OMAL coherence is a certified value

The ethical code of OMAL is the map of the future, in which the corporate ambitions relate to an interpretation of the company as a generator of economic growth and also of social and environmental wellbeing.

Download ethical code

The supplier code of conduct is the document that explains the values that bind the company to its own suppliers.

Download supplier code of conduct

For OMAL the corporate policies are a scenario for commitment and employment in which the company intends to measure its own internal responsibility and innovation profile. The numerous certifications and different projects the company has supported and will support, mark the rhythm of a concrete commitment to compliance with the more advanced corporate standards, an open and creative dialogue with all the stakeholders, and strict and updated reports on all the initiatives promoted.


TThe Environmental Management System has been implemented and certified according to the UNI EN ISO 14001 standard since 2012 reflecting our commitment in the management and reduction of environmental impacts generated by the production activities of  OMAL, in order to prevent the pollution of the territory in which it operates and those arising from the final user in the use and disposal of our products. This commitment of  OMAL constitutes an ulterior contribution to the construction of a sustainable environment through the pursuance of energy efficiency and the reduction and/or optimisation of the consumption of resources.
In 2017 OMAL obtained the transition to the new 2015 version of the UNI EN ISO 14001 standard.

ISO 14001
ISO 14064

We want to contribute to building a healthy and sustainable society for future generations capable of guaranteeing all the same opportunities. Investing in business process innovation to ensure the right balance between man and environment and build a better world. Create an inclusive and proactive workplace that ensures rights and duties, which protects health and safety by eliminating dangers and reducing risks and which supports corporate welfare measures. Promote training and professional development, encourage socialization and discussion within the Community by supporting socio-cultural recreational proposals, associative activities and sports practices.
“The right balance between life and work favors people's personal and professional fulfillment”.



Hydrogen Expo
Hydrogen Expo
Piacenza (Italy), 21-23 may 2025