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Concrete commitment for the community

“The Business of the Little Ones” is an educational initiative on the themes of education on sustainability and Corporate Responsibility which had involved all the directors of the OMAL operating units, in the creation of a path dedicated to the fourth and fifth year of the primary schools, to discuss about the environment, ecology and "inventions for the benefit of nature."

The path provided for lessons in the classroom, and also in artistic workshops within the company. In particular, theme work groups were formed regarding: free works, reuse of reject materials, painting and paper decor. A path was dedicated to the third year classes, lower secondary schools, to familiarise with the characteristic corporate figures and roles  (IT, COMMUNICATION, BUSINESS, TECHNICAL OFFICE).

The initiative allowed to recount "corporate work" involving the kids in understanding some roles they could play in their future careers.
The “Community Volunteers” Project is an initiative that involves all the employees of OMAL who wish to help their own territory by getting involved in person. The annual project gives the possibility to dedicate at least up to 16 working hours  – during workdays – to helping associations, public entities and NON-PROFIT agencies active in the assistance to and care of children, the elderly, and disabled people. The project is open to all the corporate departments and is in continual development, so as to accompany the needs of our territory and come to the aid, as best we can, with the needs of the agencies and the schedules of the OMAL workers.

In March 2017 the volunteers of OMAL crossed the Italian borders and involved our partners in India, with which we created video-lessons in English, and deepened cultural aspects like food and the festivities, among the primary school classes of  Rodengo Saiano and the primary school of  Chennai (India).
The “Corporate Art” project used the language of art to convey some themes on corporate changes which the market and technology ask us to face. Through street painting and theatre, the company represented some concepts that characterise the near future of OMAL.

Team work, market globalisation, food safety and intergenerational responsibility were only some of the trends that remained in the form of murals. The realisation of the works, some in the new production site, and others in the original site, were later completed with a   workshop in which the employees participated in the construction of a painting in street-art style.
We started the year with various initiatives linked to the "Community Volunteering" project, among which were the match between the boys of the  ICARO BASKET team and the third year classes of the  Istituto Comprensivo “Ai Caduti” of Rodengo Saiano and the new partnership with the Civil Protection of Villa Carcina.

In the future it will always be increasingly important to reinforce in a constructive way, the relationships with the company's territory of origin, imagining the possibility of instituting a local mode of corporate responsibility that can aggregate also other companies of other sectors, breaking the limit of project autonomy in the field of sustainability.
Forte del legame che da sempre unisce OMAL al mondo sportivo, per il 2019 l’azienda ha rinnovato l’impegno a supporto del progetto sportivo ed educativo del Flag Football junior, rivolto a ragazzi e ragazze dai 6 ai 17 anni con l’obiettivo di favorire la partecipazione allo sport dei più giovani e soprattutto di ragazzi provenienti da famiglie in difficoltà che hanno così potuto esprimere il loro talento.
La volontà è stata quella di sposare un’attività basata sull’assenza del contatto fisico, in quanto l’avversario non viene fermato tramite il placcaggio, bensì staccando una bandierina (flag appunto) che è attaccata alla cintura e portando così all'interruzione dell'azione.
Questo sport di squadra permette quindi a tutti, uomini e donne, grandi e piccini, persone con disabilità fisiche e/o mentali (soprattutto nel settore junior, seguiti da tutor) di poterlo praticare.
During the period of the global pandemic that shook our region in particular, the company wanted to make a contribution faced with the difficult time of the health emergency. The company donated EUR 50,000 to the Fondazione Spedali Civili di Brescia, which was used to purchase BiPAP equipment and ventilators—essential to increasing the number of intensive care units available at the hospital.
OMAL is not new to charitable initiatives and is involved in social responsibility, corporate volunteering and philanthropy projects without marketing purposes, but with a commitment motivated by emergencies or particularly virtuous needs.
Another important aspect is our openness to the local area by welcoming young interns and students for internships or alternating school-work programmes, with the aim of offering them work experience and training while transmitting our corporate values: passion for work, respect for the rules and other people, and a sense of duty.
With this in mind, we are always open to cooperation with educational institutions, even this year in particular; we wanted to continue this initiative despite the delicate situation.
OMAL’s link with the local area has always been very strong, so much so that it is present among the aims to be pursued as a benefit company. It is precisely for this reason that we have collaborated with the following associations:
- AOLE, an amateur sports association that promotes and develops projects for the autonomy, integration, and social and cultural inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities
- GAIM, a non-profit organisation that has been supporting the independence of less fortunate, “invisible” people for 20 years
Moved by the same impulse for people’s inclusion and professional fulfilment, we organised a company Christmas dinner together. The event took place inside the Rodengo Saiano production facility, which was transformed into a pleasant restaurant with Christmas decorations for the occasion. GAIM provided the set-up and valuable support in preparing the dedicated area. The AOLE group—consisting of seven young people with intellectual disabilities—helped the department heads with the mise en place and service throughout the dinner.
In 2023, we followed up on an innovative initiative that we had also undertaken the previous year, and which we believe is one of the fundamental steps to promoting and disseminating sustainable business models: we participated in Futura Expo, a space that represents a vision of the future in which man, nature and economy can coexist in mutual respect. By participating in this fair, we hoped to make our contribution to informing, training, disseminating and proposing tangible best practices. We met with students, professionals and individuals whom we told about our commitment and projects in the hope of multiplying our positive impact through fruitful and beneficial influence.
During this occasion, we involved 700 people who positively accepted our request to be an active part of our space. We also collected ideas and suggestions related to future projects to be developed in the company; our desire was to network and listen to the input that comes from all opportunities for discussion.

In 2023, we also decided to continue the Impresa Aperta initiative in cooperation with the Istituto Comprensivo di Passirano.
We accompanied eighth-grade classes and contributed to an orientation project stemming from our desire to introduce them to various job possibilities and help them make the important choice of what subjects to study in high school. The project involved around 90 pupils divided into two groups who took turns in our Passirano plant participating in an initial training session with the CSR & HR department, followed by a tour of the production department with the plant manager.
All this allowed us to engage in a discussion and exchange of views on the future of work for new generations and to be present at such a special moment for these young talents, as we continued the social and territorial support in which the company has always believed.



Hydrogen Expo
Hydrogen Expo
Piacenza (Italy), 21-23 may 2025