Valves and actuators. Ideal solutions for fluid control

OMAL designs and produces valves and actuators to improve and boost performance of the systems and control of fluids.

Our competence and professionalism are seen in our custom-fit products, services and a strong ethical imprint that guarantees absolute quality and results in all the markets we operate in, among which: chemical and pharmaceutical, industrial, power and energy and naval sectors.

Valves for fluids control

OMAL offers a complete range of valves, types available - free axis, with lever or activated by our actuators. The OMAL valves are designed and manufactured to meet most of the applications, in all sectors of the industry.

In the OMAL catalogue, also a broad range of pneumatic and electric actuators are available in varied measurements and ISO values. For the efficient movement of every type of valve.

Actuators To start up the valves

The OMAL configurator will allow you to obtain files in 2D and 3D in various formats, and you may see the characteristics and catalogue-code of the products you need.



Hydrogen Expo
Hydrogen Expo
Piacenza (Italy), 21-23 may 2025